Monday, July 26, 2010


if you ever wondered
what is yet to come
who you gonna be
and what have you done
if you seek for meaning
if you try to care
if being an average
is something that scares

we are not so many
but we're not alone
guess we should unite
but I love
do love
to be alone

but look in the night
look into the skies
all those great big stars
just like we here are
look now at your hand
grab your skin and feel
think about the blood
traveling within
think how you were born
and how you grew up
think about the graves
think about the gap
that's between you
and your closest friend
or if there is not one..
on the other hand..
words are so meaningless
sentences dont matter
patterns in your mind
they couldnt be better

you are all alone
being who you are
looking for some friends
do not change your mind.

you know what I mean
even with words wrong
not to be depressed
remember the song


Sunday, January 4, 2009

is living alone bad?

I'm sure it is not.

I'm sure if I were lonely I would say it is.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

It's not about what you do in your life. It doesn't matter

It's about how you do it.

And I mean it. First of all, every kind of job is needed and if you wouldn't be doing something that you do, somebody else would. Sooner or later. If not Einstein, somebody else would tell us. Is it about time? May be.

The second thing is about being a master at something. It may be just whatever, but being the best on the planet is something really great. Of course the greater competition the greater master you are.

But honestly, who cares.
  • if you will do something really great
    • you'll be forgotten
    • sooner or later
  • if you don't
    • somebody else will
      • and if somebody else would do it later than you (because otherwise you would do it)
        • then maybe our civilization won't be saved
        • because maybe it's about 1 microsecond that's enough to develop technology that would save us
        • but if we won't be saved
          • there will be nobody to care anyway
OK. Just first 3 sentences. Rest if a bullshit (nobody reads anyway).

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Nobody reads

What would you write if you would know that nobody will ever read it? Would you write anything? And what if you know it will be read only after you die? Does it makes any difference to you?

Of course it does. But there will be no "you" after you die. So somehow, even if you don't really want it, you care about the others. Man cannot exist without society. What would you be without other people? They taught you language, without it you can't even really show that you are intelligent. You also would not be able to access knowledge that we collected over years. Would we treat this somebody as person like me and you? I don't think so. So by the way - knowledge does change human value, it changes the way you look at somebody. And this way you look is a somebody's value.

You can't feel anything that we associate with humanity when you are not with others. (I was considering laziness but this term does not make sense when you're all alone).

We're all one. We want it or not. I'm small part of us that's just bored enough to type shits like this. Another part of us may one day read it. But it doesn't matter. We're so ... elusive.

Have a nice life.

Saturday, December 29, 2007


Everyone is talking about how to be more productive, how to get things done. But my question is - why should you? Why should you care at all?

Possibility that your life will end tomorrow is not so convincing (even thou it happens to thousands of people every day), but the fact that you will die someday is something that you should remember of.

I'm not talking here about the meaning of life. Life has no meaning itself. It's your job to find it. But that's not the point here. Whatever you think the meaning is, you're still spending most of your time concentrating on things that are not related to it. You may say it's a must. You may say that man have to work to get money for the food and so on. But that's a bullshit. First of all, you're getting much more money than you need for food and just living. Second thing is that you don't have any musts at all.

So let's take it by example:
  • your point of life is love: to say that, you should live with that person for more than 2 years. Now take a look at yourself and think how things you do everyday relate to it
  • going to heaven: LOL*
  • create something new; well, it will be created anyway, besides, they say that human race survival probability is about 50%
  • just be happy: we can be happy, but not more than 50% of our time, because people simple get bored to easily
So even if you have some meaning of life, then still most of your life is not about it.

Forget about who you were in the past, forget about who you hope to be in the future. You are in a given life situation. Do just what you want to do.

Let's go straight to my point: Don not care.

If you care, you will suffer. It wil give you nothing more than pain.

But... TRY. Try to live your life in the way you want. Try to get what you want from your life. But, do not care about succeeding. Because after 500 years, no one will care anyway.

So just try.

*not to be such an ignorant; if you really want this, you would rather die than commit a single tiny sin. And you know that's not how things work